Crimea #2. Flight over the Kara Dug Mountain

On Mother's birthday (the end of October 2015) we decided to gift her a flight on an airplane over the majestic Kara Dug mount.

Kara Dug is an extinct volcano that is located in the Eastern Crimea. About it there are many legends, both about the sea monster or Spirit-Mistress who protects the City of the Dead.
We rented a private plane, which cost us 8500 rubles. As far as I know, a few days after our flight another group on similar plane crashed on this route. Therefore, flights from now are already prohibited.

The flight was nice and it was overshadowed only by the smell of gasoline, which I really do not like.
What can I tell you: such a flight is intended more for sightseeing purposes, since you obviously will not experience adrenaline. We did not even realize at once that we took off.
Here are a few more photos of the flight and the aircraft itself.

Read all my posts about Crimea here (click).


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